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The forest of TermoidraulicaRV


Deforestation is one of the causes of climate change that we are experiencing in recent years. If we add to this the continuous CO2 emissions in the environment, the result is a growing emergency for our planet.

What can we do to help?

Each of us can do our part. Everyday life leads us to underestimate some actions that have a great environmental impact. The use of disposable plastics, pollutants for our territory, the intensive use of pesticides, the use of machines and other combustion media that release CO2 into the air we breathe. We can and must make a difference through small gestures:

  • Use the car only if necessary. You can take a walk for small errands near home.
  • Use recyclable products. Separate collection can significantly reduce the CO2 emissions incurred for the production and marketing of those products.
  • Don’t waste water. Use water sparingly because the world’s water resources are suffering from intensive use.
  • Rely on tap water. We have a great fortune, running water. It’s safe, good, and constantly controlled.
  • Do not leave waste in the environment. It’s very important to set a good example and clean up the common areas so that the environment gets its normal beauty back.

Our commitment

At TermoidraulicaRV we know that our work involves unavoidable CO2 emissions, such as those produced for shipments that we start every day.

That’s why we decided to join the initiative of Tree-Nation, an international association that has many active forestry projects around the world.

We decided immediately to be part of this important initiative by adopting a simple principle. For each product purchased in our store, we, along with Tree-Nation, undertake to plant a tree within one of the active projects. Madagascar, Tanzania, Thailand, India, there are many realities in which we are committed to planting new trees and contributing to the management of CO2.

Each tree is planted in the name of the person who made the purchase and our customer receives an email with the report of the tree planted, its certificate and the area of the world in which it was planted.

You don’t have to do anything special. Complete the purchase of your products and receive an email with the gift we have dedicated to you, a new tree in one of the projects we collaborate with Tree-Nation. Accept and sow your tree and receive a detailed account of what you planted, where and its certificate. From that moment on there will be a tree in the world in your name.

Ours is also a small but important gesture that we hope can be shared by many other realities because we need the help of all to allow future generations to enjoy the wonders of our planet.

The projects we collaborate on

Eden Project in Madagascar

In response to the large-scale loss of mangroves and mountain forests in Madagascar, the Eden project launched a program that began in 2007. Since its inception, the Eden project has successfully planted over 407 million mangroves and other types of trees in northwest Madagascar.

In 2021, more than 800,000 trees have already been planted in the new exclusive Tree-Nation site called Ankirambo.
Located in the northwest of Madagascar, this new site occupies about 260 hectares of mangrove forest. The livelihoods of nearby fishing communities depend on healthy mangrove forest systems to provide a suitable habitat for fish and wildlife and prevent coastal erosion in the face of climate change. This project implemented the Employ-to-Plant methodology by hiring community members to plant trees.

Usambara Project in Tanzania

The conservation of biodiversity in the rainforest of the mountains of the eastern arc of Tanzania is the main objective of this project. It’s important to reverse the severe deforestation around the Forest Nature Reserve by involving the people who inhabit these wonderful places and sharing the principles of biodiversity conservation.

The project, in addition to the need to preserve the environment, aims to teach future generations that trees are essential for life. They are a crucial factor for our existence not only because they provide us with the materials for the tools and the shelter, but because they play a vital role in the CO2 cycle. They give us clean air, reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, act as natural air conditioners and provide important habitats for the world’s wildlife.

To date, thanks to the Usambara project for the conservation of biodiversity, more than 1 million trees have been planted, it is one of the most important projects of Tree-Nation, a unique opportunity to restore an essential habitat for the entire community and for the territory, an opportunity to preserve the environment.

We dedicate the trees that we are committed to planting and all those that we will plant in our virtual forest to all our customers.

To learn about the projects we collaborate on and to know how many trees we planted and where you can follow us directly on Tree Nation.

Pasquale and Chiara

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