Retro oceano t gac water filter
Etichetta oceano t gac water filter

Oceano Techno GAC Small 5 micron cartridge with silver molecules

List price: 45,50 IVA inc.

Oceano Techno GAC OK45 Small 5 micron cartridge with silver molecules.

SKU: ON45S00

2 in stock

The Oceano Techno GAC Small filter is composed by active granular carbon with silver and a filter net for the detention of particles in suspension present in the water. It has a low pressure drop, long autonomy, redu- ces chlorine taste and odor and has bacteriostatic property.

Technical data

– FPolypropilen filter net.

– Max pressure (Bar): 8.6.

– Vertical/horizontal functioning.

– Max inlet water temperature: 40 ° C

–  Bayonet Quick Coupling suitable for every head.

– Silver molecules.

We recommend to replace the cartridge every year.


Additional information

Weight 1,000000 kg



Silver molecules

Max water temperature



Max Pressure

Max Flow

Filtering capacity

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